Category: Tutorials

Trading Strategies: Penny Stocks, A Road to Riches?

Penny stock trading involves buying and selling shares of small companies that trade for less than $5 per share. These companies are often young, in emerging industries, or haven’t quite hit their stride yet. Penny stocks can be attractive to investors for a few reasons. Firstly, the low share price means you can buy a… Continue reading Trading Strategies: Penny Stocks, A Road to Riches?

Billionaires Betting on New AI Horses: Why They’re Leaving Nvidia Behind

Nvidia, the undisputed leader in graphics processing units (GPUs), has long been seen as a top holding for investors looking to capitalize on the booming artificial intelligence (AI) market. However, a recent move by some hedge fund billionaires has raised eyebrows. These investors have been trimming their Nvidia holdings while snapping up shares in Palantir… Continue reading Billionaires Betting on New AI Horses: Why They’re Leaving Nvidia Behind

Trading Strategies: Pyramiding

Pyramiding is a trading strategy where you gradually increase your position size in an asset that’s moving in your favor. Imagine a pyramid being built, one level at a time. In this analogy, each level represents adding more to your position as the price goes up (for long positions) or down (for short positions). Here’s… Continue reading Trading Strategies: Pyramiding

Trading Strategies: Dollar-Cost Averaging & Scaling

Dollar-cost averaging (DCA) is a popular investment strategy that involves investing a fixed amount of money into a particular investment, like a stock or mutual fund, at regular intervals. It’s generally considered a good approach, especially for long-term investors and is the foundation of what the aforementioned Scaling In/Out are based upon. One of the… Continue reading Trading Strategies: Dollar-Cost Averaging & Scaling

Trading Strategies: Copy Trading

The world of investing can seem intimidating for beginners. Complex financial jargon, market fluctuations, and the ever-present risk of losing money can be enough to scare anyone away. But what if you could tap into the knowledge and experience of seasoned investors? Enter copy trading, a strategy that allows you to mimic the trades of… Continue reading Trading Strategies: Copy Trading

Seasonal Trading Adages

In our original post about seasonal trading we mentioned two adages some investors may abide by. We thought it would be a good idea to talk a little bit more about these as well as how and why they came to be. The adage “Sell in May and Go Away” isn’t concerned with specific sectors… Continue reading Seasonal Trading Adages

Trading Strategies: Seasonal Trading

Seasonal trading strategies are all about exploiting recurring patterns in investment markets throughout the calendar year. By analyzing historical price trends, investors can aim to capitalize on these trends by buying or selling assets at specific times. One popular example is the adage “Sell in May and Go Away.” This strategy suggests that investors sell… Continue reading Trading Strategies: Seasonal Trading

Trading Strategies: Bottom-Up Investing

On the opposite side of Top-down investing we have Bottom-up investing. Bottom-up investing is an investment strategy that focuses on analyzing individual stocks or securities rather than considering broader economic factors or market trends. In this approach, investors evaluate the fundamental attributes of specific companies, such as their financial statements, management teams, competitive positioning, growth… Continue reading Trading Strategies: Bottom-Up Investing

Trading Strategies: Top-down Investing

Top-down investing is an investment approach that begins with an analysis of the broader economic and market factors before narrowing down to specific investment decisions. Essentially, it involves assessing the macroeconomic environment, such as the overall state of the economy, interest rates, inflation, and geopolitical factors, to identify industries or sectors that are expected to… Continue reading Trading Strategies: Top-down Investing

Trading Strategies: Leveraging

Leveraging, in the context of trading, refers to using borrowed capital to increase the potential return on investment. Traders can leverage their positions by using margin accounts provided by brokers, which allow them to borrow funds to amplify their trading positions beyond their own capital. Leveraging can magnify both gains and losses, making it a… Continue reading Trading Strategies: Leveraging

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